Thursday, April 16, 2015

This kid is all boy

We went to the park today.  CJ made a friend who was 20 months old, but seemed a lot smaller than him.  They enjoyed chasing each other around until they got distracted by something else.  I enjoyed talking with another mom (aka human being) while they played.

We also went to a new pet store.  They had a cat in a cage next to the carts.  CJ bawled when we had to leave the cat to go look for their flea medicine.  He LOVED the mice though.  I just imagined how much easier my life would have been if I got a mouse instead of a dog.

Not even 15 minutes after CJ woke up this morning, he got his first bloody nose of his little life.  Not sure what happened since I was turned around about to plug in the griddle.  Some sort of a stairs accident seems to be the culprit.  We have 3 steps connecting our living room/laundry room to our kitchen.  He's known how to go up & down them since about day 3 of living in this house.  I don't know that I've ever had a bloody nose in my entire life, but oh man can those things produce some blood volume!  Whew.  Glad this momma survived that experience.  Rocking him singing "Jesus Loves Me" while holding his nose with a wad of paper towels seemed to do the trick.  He was back in action in no time.  Then while we ate pancakes, his nose had a little bit of blood leftover coming from it.  While we ate lunch, he stuck his finger up his other nostril and started snorting.  At least he wasn't too gross during dinner.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHA! I literally loled at snorting with his finger up his nose!!!
