Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Mommy Exhaustion

Being pregnant is not for babies.  That's why they're not the ones that do it.  I'm exhausted.  I'm sure my husband is exhausted as well, but I never see him except for through cracked eyelids in the middle of the night--and since I'm legally blind without glasses, I'm not sure that even counts.

The day he finally returned from his trip to CA!  CJ was apparently "so good" during his time in the church nursery.  It was the first time someone other than me changed his diaper in probably a week, so that was amazing.  I don't think people realize how important of a ministry it is to work in the nursery.  I'll be honest--I don't really like kids much if they're not related to me so I'm not sure I'm cut out for that job, but tons of people love babies and children and could easily serve in the nursery or teaching a "Jr. Church" type class.  It is just as important of a ministry for the babies & young children as it is for the mothers and fathers.

I got a coupon code for a free photo package from Shutterfly, so I decided we had to go to the park to take some pictures worth printing.  I managed to get a few good shots while CJ ran around like a crazy boy.  He found a stick and a little girl who was probably 2 or 3 found one as well and walked up to him and started having a "sword fight" with him.  CJ just stood there with his stick pointing out while she hit it.  It was pretty funny to watch them interact.  He didn't let go of that stick on the ride home, during his nap, or during dinner.  I didn't think the battle of getting it from his tight grip was worth it so I just waited until he set it down to sneak it away.

We got to look at our baby boy #2 today. Other than being breech currently, everything looked great.  He is still a he.  Beforehand, CJ brought me his shoes and then tried opening the back door and getting me to go with him.  So we played in the backyard for a little bit until his dad came home so we could go to the appointment.

I've been doing some prenatal Pilates workouts the past few days since I'm gaining weight a little too quickly, and it has actually been helping my back feel better in addition to burning a few calories.  Maybe during all the stretching, the baby will have some more room to turn into the ideal position.  You never know!  CJ has been having fun watching me exercise and has been imitating some of the moves--especially the ones that involve laying on a pillow.  He also likes stealing the pillow out from underneath me.

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