Saturday, April 18, 2015

A Day Away

First, I want to say it has been 9 years since my very good friend, classmate, and teammate Kaitlin died in a terrible car accident.  The memories from that day and the weeks and months to follow are still just as fresh as if it just happened.  We were in lots of things together from girl scouts to track to volunteering at the library.  I am so thankful that Kaitlin was 100% sure of her faith in God and let others know it.  It is because of this that I know she is in a much better place than this earth we live on.  As I typed this, a crazy squirrel just jumped around outside and was barking at something.  Kaiti loved squirrels.  She was also just as crazy and hilarious.

CJ & I went to Urbana for a visit with a couple friends.  We ate at Seaboat, a local fried fish restaurant, and he looked like such a big kid.  He poked his french fries with a fork and wiped his face off with his napkin. Then he kept opening and closing the to go container that his food came in.

We went to the park, and he ran around and around and around.  My friend's husband came with us and chased him around.  I don't think he will ever know the relief my back felt from the aching of being the sole caretaker of CJ this week.  CJ saw a big white poodle-type dog and got really excited about it.  He was considering petting it when he decided to run off after a field of robins.  No broken legs at this park either.

When we were getting ready to leave, I told him to hug them goodbye, and he actually did!  It was so adorable to see him give his little baby hugs.  Then he said, "bye bye," for the first time and waved at them!  He's growing up so quickly.

Also--I'm glad he's adding a new word to his vocabulary. He has been falling further behind his peers in that department.

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to believe that it has been 9 years already. That day is forever carved into my memory; and I didn't know her nearly as well as you did. We had a bond of being terrible in math.. though she was in MY math class and a year younger.. so, really I was just terrible. :p

    I am glad that you had such an awesome day with friends yesterday!!
