Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A Non-Interview with my 2 year old

So CJ just recently turned 2.  Since he has probably 60 words in his vocabulary right now--most of which other people can't understand, I can exactly have an interview with him.  He'd just answer every question with "no."  So here is what I think he would say about himself.

What makes him happy? Daddy, poo poo, and pee pee (in the potty), going on the slide ("Wee! Wee!")What makes him sad? When Daddy goes "honk! honk!" (to work)
What makes you laugh? Peek-a-boo, Bubby
How old is he? Two
How old is Mommy? 26
How old is Daddy? Just turned 29 (though he was 28 on CJ's b-day)
Favorite thing to do? Throw balls.
Best friend? Lyna and Bubby
What are you really good at? Throwing balls accurately. 
What did you do today? Walk in the new stroller ("Waaaa"), watch garbage trucks (*insert air brakes sound here*), Spill the vanilla
Favorite food? The healthy stuff of course--hot dogs, chicken nuggets ("nana"), and Fiber Bars from Aldi.  I do try to keep the snacks to healthier options at least, but he's proven to be a picky eater unless you call it a "pork nugget" instead of a pork chop.
Favorite song? The Wheels on the Bus
Favorite color?  Either blue or yellow, but I don't think he's narrowed this one down yet.  (Perhaps I'm imagining that he likes yellow.)
Favorite animal? Lyna, Jasmine, and Ranger.  Lyna is our dog, and he LOVES dogs.  We just met another beagle named Dale on our walk this morning, and he was overjoyed.   He also loves the horses ("Neigh!!!") that his Grandma and Grandpa have.  He loves to feed them corn ("Cooorrrr!!!") when we visit.  In fact, we pull into their driveway, and as soon as his feet hit the ground he takes off to go see them and then heads straight to the corn crib.  It will be interesting to see how Christmas is this year at their house since he just loves them so much.

Favorite toy? Balls, trucks, and his new toy peek-a-boo Elmo
Favorite fruit? Bananas
Favorite book? Kai-lan's Sunny Day (It's apparently from some Nick Jr. tv show, but I just found it at a thrift store. Parts of it are in Chinese.)
Favorite thing to do outside?Throw balls.  Seriously, future pitcher or something.
 Favorite Show Sesame Street.  We don't spend much time watching TV, but if we do, he LOVES Elmo.  I think the producers of Sesame Street hit the jackpot with Elmo.  I mean, we're talking a kid who is not very good at speaking for his age yet he can say "Elmo" very clearly and he can recognize just a fraction of Elmo's face.
Favorite movie I don't think he's watched a movie yet??

CJ is so much fun right now, but he is also so much work.  He finds joy in just about everything, which can be problematic when that involves dumping an entire container of cinnamon upside down.  I'm pretty much a joy-killer at this point, but I'm ok with that role.  He can't have everything he wants in life.  I saw an article about temper tantrums that was posted on facebook and people were commenting, "Oh my kid never had a temper tantrum," and "If your kid has a temper tantrum, then you're giving them freedom to have one," and "blah, blah, blah."  Maybe we have different definitions, but I've realized that the most common reason for CJ throwing a fit is because I won't let him do something he shouldn't be doing or when I won't let him have something he shouldn't have.  So if he's going to throw a fit because I won't let him play with the hot waffle iron or throw blocks at his brother's head, then that's how it's going to be.  I can try to offer him something better to do, but sometimes he just needs a few minutes to collect himself before you can even suggest an alternative.  That was a tangent. Woops!  Anywho....

He is starting to interact more with other children.  He is often shy when we meet new friends at the playground, but he'll often chase them around or pretend like they're chasing him.  He's doing so well with potty training.  He's probably had about 3 accidents this week (not including naps/night time).  He's really growing into a real boy!  I love him so much and thank God for him every day.

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