Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Why I've gone and joined the crazy wagon.

This is an addition to my post earlier about our diagnosis with Fabry.

Knowing what I know about our genetics and family history--Fabry disease, heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc--I have been inspired to make changes. You may have seen me post things about some of it and thought, "Alright, Mrs. Neuby has joined the crazy green hippie wagon."  And maybe I have. But I have my reasoning.

We all know we can eat healthier, exercise more and visit the doctor regularly to help prevent disease. So I have been trying to cook healthier (brown rice instead of white, whole grain bread instead of white, olive oil instead of vegetable, etc). However, we don't always think about the everyday products we use. So I have started eliminating toxins from my home one by one. I found a few different statistics on how many people get cancer, but almost 40% of people was the most common number I found. That means 2 out of 5 people will get cancer in their life. In my little family of four, at least one if not two of us could end up with cancer based off that fact. And that is scary.

I know that God can help me through any battle or disease that we may face which gives me great hope and fees me from being paralyzed by great of the unknown, but I also know that he wants us to take care of the bodies and environment that he is allowing us to inhabit. By eliminating toxins in cleaning products, makeup, the vitamins I take, the air fresheners that I use, the things we use to clean out bodies, I am doing just one more thing to help protect us. My friend Michelle days it is like "putting on a seatbelt" as a form of protection. You don't know if you will get cancer or anything like that, but you can make the choice to put that seatbelt on every day.

I am loving the ability to share what I have learned with others. My hope is that you understand that I am not just jumping on a bandwagon and that I have reasoning to back up my craziness. My other hope is that you will also see the need. I want us to all live long and healthy in the bodies we have been given until the good Lord calls us home.

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