Monday, December 07, 2015

He can sit?

CJ's first Sunday School class was yesterday!  He was the only one potty training, but he showed those other 2 year olds that he can keep the same pants & underwear on during church.  (Let's hope that continues.)  More amazingly, as we were driving to church, I was sharing with Peter about how I was nervous for Channer and didn't picture him sitting in a chair with other 2 year olds.  When we went to pick him up from class, he was sitting in a chair lined up with the other 2 year olds!  Those people are miracle workers!  I mean, how did that happen?  They were even all sitting there with their backpacks in their hands waiting for their parents.  It was the craziest thing I've ever witnessed.  So apparently 2 year olds can sit in chairs with other 2 year olds.  You learn something new every day.

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