Monday, October 12, 2015


Yesterday (Sunday), my baby, who had just turned 3 months old 3 days before, hit 2 milestones in one day.  Bubby was napping in the play pen in our room while CJ was napping in their room.  When Bubby woke up, I went in and he had rolled over from his back to his belly!  Of course, he was holding his head up strong and smiled at me when I walked in to get him as if to say, "Look what I can do, Mom!"  He had already mastered rolling from his belly to his back right away in life--having a large head helps with that.  Then after I finished feeding him, I held him out in front of me, and he gave me one of his adorable big smiles.  Right there looking at me were teeth!  I kid you not, my 3 month old has teeth!  Hubby was nearby and I said, "Oh my gosh, he has teeth!  He has teeth!"  He confirmed that my eyes hadn't failed me yet.  And like many moms would do, I hugged him tight and started crying.  He had the absolute cutest, huge, gummy smile.  Now it is gone, and I must begin prayers that he doesn't learn to bite early in life also.  So not only is he the size of his older brother at 6 months old, he has teeth like his older brother did at 6 months.  I haven't been able to take a picture of the teeth yet since my camera battery is dead, but I did take a picture on his 3 month birthday of his gums because it looked like he was going to get teeth soon.

Everyone tells you to enjoy it because they grow up so quickly.  With CJ, I tried.  I really did.  But I was a hormonal mess.  I hurt for a long time after delivery.  And I just didn't know how to relax and be a parent for quite a while.  So with Bubby, I told myself that I would enjoy each day more and not be in a hurry for him to sleep through the night because they really do grow SO quickly.  Well, he also started sleeping through the night (8pm-5am) on his 3 month birthday also, even through big brother's wails in the middle of the night to go potty.  I want so badly to slow time down this time around.  Everyone also tells you, "Just wait until they're crawling and pulling all your books off the shelves," Or, "Just wait until they're two...."  I am trying (though I'm not perfect) to not look at it that way because that just makes the inevitable seem just as bad as leaving the now of the gummy smiles and wiggly baby just laying on a blanket.

So don't mind me, I'll just be a lump on the couch crying into my coffee pot* cup trying to tell myself that it's going to be so fun to see him smiling with those two little teeth poking out rolling around my living room.

*Not pot, but you know I need a pot of the stuff these days.

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