Thursday, May 28, 2015


CJ's newest phrase is, "Awwww."  It isn't so much the "aww, cute" as it is the dramatic, "Awwww, shucks."  He drops something and says, "Awwww."  He loses a shoe and says, "Awwww."  He hits his head on something and says, "Awwwww."  He throws his plate of food and says, "Awwww."  He hits me in the head with a block and says, "Awwww."  I mean, it was cute for a little while.

Today is my mommy's 54th birthday!  My dad didn't get to be there for it since he's started his radiation treatment in St. Louis which is sad, plus some other personal stuff is going on so I'm sure it wasn't her favorite birthday.  My oldest sister and her family took her out for dinner & dessert though.  CJ ended up texting her and calling her while we were on a walk this evening.  He must have known she needed cheering up!

Today was just a rough day for me as a parent.  I felt like I was fighting the same battles over and over again all day with CJ. He'd eat a meal and throw his food.  He'd get into drawers, doors, and cabinets he knows he's not supposed to be in.  He'd throw things and bang things.  Then he'd fight me when he needed a new diaper, and he'd fight me at nap time.  He likes to use my belly as a kick board, and it doesn't feel good at all.  Over and over again, it was the same things.  I'm sure every kid and their parents go through these things, but that doesn't make it any easier when you are going through it yourself.  I just want my son to be a perfect angel like I was for my mother.  ;)

At least one funny thing did happen today that I can recall.  The garbage truck was coming and CJ was finishing his lunch so I moved his seat right in front of the door so he could watch out the window and be entertained for free.  So he is sitting there in complete shock as the garbage truck pulls up, the man hops out, takes our trash can, does his thing, and goes back to the truck.  The man saw CJ in the window with his mouth wide open and waved at him.  Normally my son is the first to wave or say, "Hi!" or, "Bye!"  Not this time though.  Complete amazement.

1 comment:

  1. SO CUTE!! (Not the belly kicking.. Chloe used to do that to me and it was HORRIBLE.) Hopefully the garbage man watches for him next time. haha!
