Tuesday, February 04, 2014

More Natural Frugaliving Ideas

I found this great blog here that has some variation of these recipes, so all the credit goes to someone other than myself..

Glass Cleaner:
1 1/2 Cups Vinegar
1 1/2 Cups water
Mix together in a spray bottle & use newspaper for no streaks!

Furniture Polish:
3/4 C Olive oil
Juice from 1/4 lemon
1 TBSP Vinegar
Dampen rag & squeeze out excess water.  Dip damp rag into furniture polish, the wipe on surface of furniture.  Buff off with an old dry towel.  Can also be used to polish stainless steel!

All Purpose Cleanser:
1 tablespoon borax
1 tablespoon washing soda
1 teaspoon dishwashing soap
1 cup vinegar
4 cups hot water
25-30 drops essential oil (optional)
Whisk all ingredients together well in large bowl, then pour into spray bottle.  Spray on, then wipe surface clean with a damp cloth.  Can be used to clean and disinfect almost any surface!
Fabric Softener:
1/4-1/2 C vinegar
essential oil (optional)
Add 1/4-1/2 cup vinegar with several drops of your favorite essential oil to the rinse cycle (or simply place in fabric softener compartment of your front load washer.)

Shampoo (Or should I say "No-poo")
1 TBSP Baking Soda
1 Cup Water
Mix together in squeeze bottle, and then squeeze some onto scalp and massage in.  After a few minutes rinse out.  Then follow up with:
1 TBSP apple cider vinegar
1 Cup Water
Mix together in old conditioner bottle or something like that, squeeze on the ends of your hair, then rinse out.  If your hair is naturally oily, use less of this.  If your hair is naturally more dry, use less baking soda or honey instead of vinegar.

Bottle of Grain Ethyl Alcohol (such as Everclear)
10 drops of tea tree oil per oz of alcohol (optional)
Pour into spray bottle & spray on armpits.

Dish Soap
1 3/4 C Boiling water
1 TBSP Borax
1 TBSP Grated bar soap
Combine borax & grated soap in medium bowl.  Pour hot water over mix & whisk until soap is melted. Let stand for 6-8 hours, stirring occasionally.  Transfer to a squirt bottle & use just like the regular stuff.

Helpful links:
Guide to Less Toxic Products
Guide to Less Toxic Baby Products

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