Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Going Paperless: $0.25 Cloth Napkin Set

Cloth diapering has really changed the way I look at everything we consume in this house.  By consume, I don't mean eat; I mean waste.  While doing research on how to DIY products such as laundry detergent and household cleaners, I came across a few more interesting concepts. Going paperless.  Napkins, tissues, paper towels, even toilet paper.  I'm not sure I could do toilet paper, but napkins and paper towels I could probably handle.  Tissues--maybe.  Only if I make like 100 so I don't ever have to reuse the same tissue.  And it would have to be soft fabric. Maybe flannel.  I use a lot of tissues in the spring and fall.

I found this wonderful tutorial on how to sew mitered napkins at Nicole's Classes here.  I had fabric that I had purchased at a yard sale for $0.25 that I thought would be perfect for this project.  I didn't measure the fabric into 20" x 20" squares like her instructions say.  I simply just folded my fabric and cut it into even rectangles so I wouldn't be wasting any fabric.  I think mine ended up being 20" x 18" prior to sewing the seams up.  Here is the finished project:

 I am loving the bright colors.  Maybe when I get to paint my kitchen, I could do something with these colors?  We can paint in the house that we are renting, but it has to be colors they like otherwise we have to pay them to paint it back at the end.  I doubt they'd go for lime green.

These are the mitered corners.  I'm surprised with my handiwork!  I finally have figured out the correct tension for my sewing machine so my bobbin thread doesn't look awful on the bottom.  It only took me well over a year I think.

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